A collection of essays where the marketing is ethical, the business is balanced, the words are well-crafted and brand identity is king.

The Lexicon Gazette
Your Brand Positioning Statement Needs to Pull Its Weight
If you can't articulate your positioning, sooner or later, you won't have a business to position. Your brand positioning statement doesn't have to be revolutionary, but it does need to be written very carefully.
How to Tailor Your Brand Messaging to Your Buyer Psychology
Your buyer psychology is the antidote to every piece of bad marketing advice you've ever received. Learn how to parse it out and apply it to your messaging to build high-converting relationships with your audience.
5 Brand Manifesto Examples for Artistic, Creative, or Powerful Brands
Your brand manifesto is like a mission statement that your clients *actually* want to read. Here are 5 frameworks you can use to draft one that is powerful, artistic, creative, or motivating: whichever fits your brand persona best.
A Definition of a Mission Statement and Vision Statement (that's actually useful)
How to translate the concept of mission, vision, and your core values from nauseatingly corporate buzzwords into tools that are actually helpful for running your business.
Why Your Brand Should Be The Protagonist
It's a fact: dynamic characters attract loyal audiences.
When Your Market is Saturated, don't Try to Sound Unique
How to steer clear of try-hard stereotypes and actually capture attention with your messaging.