A collection of essays where the marketing is ethical, the business is balanced, the words are well-crafted and brand identity is king.

The Lexicon Gazette
What It Means To Have a Brand Persona That "Cuts Through The Noise."
Copywriters love to promise that your brand will "Cut through the noise." It's a nice promise, but here's how you can actually achieve it.
Writing a Functional Brand Voice Guide
Let's be honest: most brand voice guides are afterthoughts in a bigger brand guideline document. Here's how to write (and understand) a brand voice guide that's functional, not ornamental.
Your Brand Positioning Statement Needs to Pull Its Weight
If you can't articulate your positioning, sooner or later, you won't have a business to position. Your brand positioning statement doesn't have to be revolutionary, but it does need to be written very carefully.
Using Archetypes in Marketing to avoid Disaster and Attract an Audience
When you understand brand archetypes, you unlock a criminally easy way to steer clear of marketing disasters and to put your brand miles away from your competition. But don't take my word for it.
How to Tailor Your Brand Messaging to Your Buyer Psychology
Your buyer psychology is the antidote to every piece of bad marketing advice you've ever received. Learn how to parse it out and apply it to your messaging to build high-converting relationships with your audience.
5 Brand Manifesto Examples for Artistic, Creative, or Powerful Brands
Your brand manifesto is like a mission statement that your clients *actually* want to read. Here are 5 frameworks you can use to draft one that is powerful, artistic, creative, or motivating: whichever fits your brand persona best.
A Definition of a Mission Statement and Vision Statement (that's actually useful)
How to translate the concept of mission, vision, and your core values from nauseatingly corporate buzzwords into tools that are actually helpful for running your business.
How Protecting Consumer Choice Builds Brand Loyalty
How to build a loyal client base by treating your customers like the adults they are.
Your Brand's Identity is Not Your Identity
How and why to put some much-needed personal space between you and your brand, and why your copy shouldn't sound like you.
How to Pick a Copywriting Service That Supports Your Story
Matching your brand to the service that achieves your goals, instead of just ticking a box on your to-do list.
3 Lessons I Learned from My Corporate Day Job
A cautionary tale about leaving your brand messaging up to chance, and why your messaging can’t stop at the sale.
When Your Market is Saturated, don't Try to Sound Unique
How to steer clear of try-hard stereotypes and actually capture attention with your messaging.